A company is a fabric of processes, resources (human, monetary) that makes a company to operate optimally and to serve the purpose to which it was set up to. Processes involve inter-departmental coordination and how one department compliments the other. There is no way say human resource department will work efficiently without both the finance and operations departments.

Anyway, here we are to look at how employees of a company pick out that brand. All companies were started by an entrepreneur who was either tired of doing the same things over and over again in one department in a company over the years and decided to step out and try something different, or the start of that company was circumstantial either through an early retirement, a layoff/ retrenchment. Most of these companies were at their initial stages a one-man-do-it all. From attending meetings to servicing clients, to keeping records, running errands name them.

It is the vision and buoyancy despite the hard times they might have encountered that encouraged them to carry on. They had a goal that they vowed to achieve. With time the company grew and one or two employees were brought in, this eased the workload on the founder of the business. He/ she now had more time to focus on more core values of the business like developing a working strategy, implementing it. Once the new employees come in, there will be a slight change in modes of operations, once in a while clients’ disappointments, late deliveries, poor quality jobs and again the whole load of saving the face of the company gets back to the founder to make things right with the client.

Now, to employees: what informs your casual handling of the business of the company? When you buy your phone, you jealously protect it from all harm (falling, being stolen etc). The brand that you are working for may not necessarily be yours directly but who knows, at some point shares may be floated in the stock market and you’ll want to be a shareholder. Would you really be interested to be a shareholder of a brand that you helped run down? Most employees only time the pre-agreed working times. Just a simple thought; ask yourself what if this was my own, how different would I run it? How different would I be delivering if I owned a part of it? If I were the client whose job is poorly done after investing all that money?


Some employees only report to the office in the morning to count hours till end of day to get out of that office and end of the month to get their pay check. Most do not understand how hectic it has been to build that business to that level. Someone who was earning a tidy sum of money quit their job to come and build what you are trying to instinctively bring down. So for all employees, the next time you are given an assignment by your boss, do it like your whole life depends on it. Own that brand, its success or failure is in your hands because the owner hired you from the credentials that you had not because you were handsome or beautiful. Work for the brand like its taking part of your breathing space in your lungs. Own the brand, make yourself a part of it, and take those positive compliments from clients about the company like they’re your own. You are a part of that brand for the period you are employed there.